I spent a lot of time researching styles and features of coops before I began this DIY chicken coop. I first decided on my must have features; easy access to eggs, food, water and easy cleaning access! It had to be raised and everything had to be accessed from the outside. I wanted my coop to make having chickens easy. I also wanted something cute, but I didn’t want to spend a lot of money or buy a lot of new materials. I enjoy my outdoor space and having chickens had to keep in line with my ideal back yard.
I was lucky that I had some access to materials. I had a basement full of plywood with cedar shingles that I knew I wanted to tear out, and there were several treated wood planks that the previous owner used as garden edging. That meant I only needed some screws, 1 – 4 x 8 sheet of plywood, 2×4’s, metal roof and some chicken wire.
I started my design on paper, planning carefully to make the coop the right size to use with my 4 x 8 sheet of plywood and shingles. The coop was 4′ x 4′ with a angled roof. Egg nesting box off the back, 2 double door that opened the entire front of the coop, and a door that was operated from the outside.

I made a stable base to start building the coop on. This base will sit on top of pressure treated 4×4″ rails in my yard.

I moved my piece outside and began planning the layout and build as things were going to get too heavy for me to carry. I put 4×4′ plywood at the base of the coop. From here I could start building the walls and roof.

It was starting to look like a coop! Its hard to see but I do have some supports off the back for the nesting boxes to sit on. I tore out some of the shingled walls from my basement and cut the top at an angle to match the pitch of the roof line.

The back wall has a large window and nesting boxes. I had a 4 x 4′ piece of plywood left and I made the nesting boxes. Three boxes that are level with the interior of the coop for easy cleaning. I also planned and cut out an east facing window and the door to the run.

I built up the run, and bought 3 pieces of 12′ corrugated metal roofing sheets. I cut them in half to 6′ using a jig saw and metal blade. I also attached the top of the nesting boxes with hinges to access to eggs from outside.

I put wire over the windows and stick tiles. The wood closing off the nesting boxes it snug, but removable to make cleaning easier. I also found white plastic boxes at the dollar store that fit perfectly in the boxes to keep that area especially clean, no one like dirty eggs! (After a year of using the coop the stick tiles haven’t lasted. One sheet of laminate might work ok, but the chickens scratch so much the tiles get lifted and have mostly come out with cleanings. )

I made front doors out of shiplap boards and attached them with exterior grade hinges. I also built a sliding coop exit door.

I built a ramp for the chickens to enter and exit the coop and the perches with sticks from the yard. And I finished attaching the wire and metal roof.