I’m always looking for cheap, simple, but also lasting crafts to make with my kids. Anything that doesn’t involve a paper plate, or a bunch of taped together garbage is a win in my book 😉 I pulled out my Halloween decorations from the attic this year and much of what I had was paper based and was not looking so hot after a hot summer in the attic. My kids are still pretty young and making projects I actually want to display for years to come are hard to come by. But this Halloween project is perfect! It didn’t require them to make things perfect, it was made with scrap materials, but will also last in the attic year after year without getting crushed or mangled.

I cut some scrap 2 x 4’s to even heights, about 4″ high and one long piece for the base about 12″ long. I sanded the edges lightly with an electric sander and 220 grit paper. You want the cuts and edges smoothed but I didn’t spend a lot of time sanding the faces of the wood.
From here is was all craft acrylic paint to paint the wood white, orange and green. I’ve seen similar crafts with purple bats or vampires.
Once it was dry I penciled the faces on, then traced with a sharpie. I also printed out the Trick or Treat from my computer and made a stencil by taping packing tape over the print out and cutting out the lettering with an exact-o knife. That’s it! These are such cute Halloween decorations and were so simple to make.