Heather Studios has started making masks to donate during the coronavirus outbreak, and here is a quick tutorial: How to make a face mask with a pocket.
Cut out the Fabric

You will need to cut 3 rectangles. The front fabric is cut to 6″ x 9″. The back is made of 2 rectangles, cut to 4″ x 9″. You can see I finished off one edge of the lining fabric, I did this the length of the strip before I cut into 9″ sections. You can fold and sew, or serge the edge to finish it off. These masks will be reused and washed often in hot water so keep that in mind.
Mask Instructions

Lay one of the lining pieces right sides together lining up the raw edges. Then lay the other lining piece, right sides together on the other edge as show below:

The finished edges of the lining fabric should overlap in the middle to create the pocket opening.
If you are using elastic for ear or head ties you will want to lay these into the mask now prior to sewing. You can use round corded elastic or flat elastic, 1/8-1/4″ is ideal. If being used around the ear cut them 6.5″ long, if around the head cut them 10.5″ long. If you are using corded elastic, knot the ends to help hold in the mask after sewing. Below this is the around the head placement.

Sewing the Mask
Sew around the edges of the mask. You will be able to turn right side out through the pocket opening so sew all the way around continuously. I back stitch over the elastic and opening area.

Next, turn the mask inside out and press flat with an iron. While ironing, pinch the fabric 3 times to create the pleats and press. The pleats go in the same direction.

Top Stich
Now top stich arounf the mask twice to hold the pleats in place.

If you are making ties and not using elastic, you add these at the end. You can make ties by cuting 1 1/2″ strips of fabric the full width of the fabric (45″). Iron in half then fold the each half in again. Sew the lenght of the tie.
Then sew the middle of the tie to the front of the mask over the pleats.

Finished Product
Here are some of the finished product pictures. Thanks for contributing to your community and country by making these face masks with pockets.

What are they using for filters?
Hi Carla! I’m no expert, but I have heard of using coffee filters, hepa vacuum bags, or hepa furnace filters.